I have got the same error with Calendar.
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De     : James Black <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Copies : 
Date   : Wed, 18 Jun 2003 10:21:18 -0400
Sujet  : Re: Extend the class Date

Slimane Amar wrote:

>I am using the Axis 1.1 and i have a complex type which is derived from Date.
>When i use java2WSDL to generate the wsdl file, i have got this error :
>- The class <myClass> extends non-bean class java.util.Date : An xml schema 
>anyType will be used
>Is there a solution to do this.
  use Calendar instead of Date.

"We do not lose our identity in our relations with others; in part, at least, 
we achieve our identity by those relations." Tony Blair, 1993

Slimane AMAR         Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GENIGRAPH            URL : http://www.genigraph.fr
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