I faced the same problem (can't throw app-specific exceptions) and solved it by 
subclassing AxisFault for all of my exceptions.  It allows me to explicitly set text 
for the actor, code, details, etc. fields of the SOAP fault fairly easily in the 
constructors of the exceptions.

That being said, I am somewhat unhappy with this, because it prevents me from doing 
what seems proper, which you (Peter) said in a previous post:

> keep my business logic interfaces (and the exceptions
> which belong to it) as independent from the underlying
> RPC technology as possible

A nicer solution might be some form of type-mapping serialization setup as is done 
with bean mapping and serialization of other classes.  AFAIK this does not exist, and 
if nobody responds to say it does, I second it as a nice feature request, and you 
should enter it in.

After all, avoiding vendor lock-in is one of the reasons people choose open source to 
begin with.

Dan Kamins

On Tue, 15 Jul 2003 10:15:28 +0200, Peter Landmann wrote:
>Once again, as no one replied: Did really no one else face this
>problem up
>to now? Don't you use exceptions in your service interfaces?
>I took a look on the JAX-RPC specification 1.0 now: It defines that
>specific exceptions must extend java.lang.Exception - and not
>like RemoteException or AxisFault. This means that Axis 1.1 doesn't
>with the specification in this point, unfortunately. Should I write
>a bug
>Peter Landmann
>e-Business Services
>System Engineer
>Tel.: +49 89 898157-85
>Fax: +49 89 898157-49
>PEGAS systemhaus gmbh
>Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 1
>D-82166 Gräfelfing

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