I noted that my Axis client does not dump the attachments to a file unless
I use some data handler function that forces it. For example, if I use
dh.getName() Axis will dump the contents to a temp file and return its
name. If you just use dh.writeTo() to specify where to put the data, Axis
will not created the temp file (if it breates the file, I cannot percieve
it). If you ask for the file, Axis will grant ownership to you, and it is
your responsability to get rid of it (or move it, rename it, whatever).
When I just do
      DataHandler dh = part.getDataHandler();
      dh.writeTo(new java.io.FileOutputStream(myDestinationFileName));
no temp is created.
Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
mailto:jaccoud [at] petrobras.com.br
voice: +55 21 2534-3485
fax: +55 21 2534-1809
There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary
and those who don't.

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