XML-ish characters (<, >, etc.) are *supposed* to get encoded when embedded as strings 
in XML.  If the .NET server is expecting something else, then it is likely that it is 
specifying a type other than xsd:string.

Post your WSDL so we can see how the service describes its expectations.  If it is not 
xsd:string, it could be anyType, or maybe mixed content.  See below.  It could be that 
Axis is misunderstanding the WSDL and treating something else as a String when it 
shouldn't.  But let's see.


anyType is unspecified content type.

Schema looks like:
  <xsd:element name="anything"/>
 - or (equivalent) -
  <xsd:element name="anything" type="xsd:anyType"/>



And "Mixed Content" which includes HTML-ish marked up text.

Schema looks like:
  <xsd:element name="letterBody">
   <xsd:complexType mixed="true">


Dan Kamins

On Tue, 15 Jul 2003 19:33:27 -0700, Suresh Avadhanula wrote:
>Suresh Avadhanula wrote:
>>I am using axis to send a SOAP message to a .NET Server. It takes 2
>>parameters. First param is a integer, second is a XML String. A xml
>>passed as string.
>>When I send the message via axis, the xml gets encoded, ie <
>>lt , > becomes gt etc.
>>Can I disables encoding? .NET server expects palin xml like <abc>
>><cde> some_valu</cde></abc> as param in the SOAP Body.
>>Any help is greatly appreciated.

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