Agreed re: port number change, but re: IP change, there's no real difference
which one you use. If that address is on the public internet, then anyone
can nslookup the IP address and get the machine name. If it's on an
intranet, then knowing the machine name gives you little advantage. Security
through obscurity is small comfort.


On Wed, 13 Oct 2004, Paul Callahan wrote:

: a good rule of thumb might be to change that port num.  i.e.--7001 is
: default for weblogic and 8080 for tomcat... never hurts to conceal any
: details that you dont have to give out...
: -pc
: On Wed, 13 Oct 2004 10:25:50 +0100, Suzy Fynes
: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: >
: > Hey,
: >
: > Can anyone tell me if there is any security risk with using axis directly
: > from an ip address as opposed to having it accessed through a domain name,
: > ie having it accessed from as opposed to
: >
: >
: > Thanks
: >
: > Suzy

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