PLEASE DON'T SPREAD FUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If something is not
working, open up a bug report with latest release candidate with a
sample to recreate the problem.

-- dims

On Sat, 18 Dec 2004 07:03:18 +0100, Ephemeris Lappis
> Thanks for your feedback. Bad news !...
> I'd like to have a point of view from the Axis team about this issue. I'm
> not currently working a lot in web services domains, but according to what
> i've been reading in this list and others, document/literal seems to be
> often required (as in my case by one of the peer limitation), and no to be
> able to generate right descriptors with one of the most used soap stack
> results very strange !
> Do you know an alternative to generate my wsdl without installing a full
> product such as the SUN jwsdk ?
> Thanks again.
> <<<Philippe>>> -----Message d'origine-----
> <<<Philippe>>> De : Henry Lu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <<<Philippe>>> Envoye : vendredi 17 decembre 2004 21:39
> <<<Philippe>>> Objet : Re: java2wsdl ant task for document/literal
> <<<Philippe>>>
> <<<Philippe>>>
> <<<Philippe>>> I studied Axis 1.2 since it started and java2wsdl
> <<<Philippe>>> NEVER worked for D/L.
> <<<Philippe>>> I think the problem is in both of axis.jar and
> <<<Philippe>>> wsdl4j.jar. Specially
> <<<Philippe>>> wsdl4j.jar because it does no generate correct wsdl
> <<<Philippe>>> file for D/L (WS-I
> <<<Philippe>>> compliant). I am still waiting for the Axis
> <<<Philippe>>> development group to fix the
> <<<Philippe>>> problem.
> <<<Philippe>>>
> <<<Philippe>>> -Henry
> <<<Philippe>>>
> <<<Philippe>>> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/17/2004 2:18:36 PM >>>
> <<<Philippe>>> As many people before i have the same problem with
> <<<Philippe>>> axis 1.2 to generate
> <<<Philippe>>> my
> <<<Philippe>>> wsdl for javabeans or exceptions. I've been trying
> <<<Philippe>>> some of the
> <<<Philippe>>> solutions
> <<<Philippe>>> that have been proposed on this list, such as adding
> <<<Philippe>>> complextype or
> <<<Philippe>>> mapping
> <<<Philippe>>> tags, but the task failed with
> <<<Philippe>>> ClassNotFoundException, although the
> <<<Philippe>>> classes
> <<<Philippe>>> are in the same classpath.
> <<<Philippe>>> I have also read in the list this version of axis
> <<<Philippe>>> doesn't handle
> <<<Philippe>>> document/literal mappings. I precise i can't use
> <<<Philippe>>> another style, since
> <<<Philippe>>> JSR172
> <<<Philippe>>> for j2me web services restrict possible mappings to
> <<<Philippe>>> this one. So,
> <<<Philippe>>> before i
> <<<Philippe>>> spend more time on this issue, i'd like to know if
> <<<Philippe>>> actually a solution
> <<<Philippe>>> exists to generate a correct wsdl for my simplistic
> <<<Philippe>>> javabean (just a
> <<<Philippe>>> pair of
> <<<Philippe>>> string) and exception. I have built the same
> <<<Philippe>>> application using the sun
> <<<Philippe>>> jwsdk
> <<<Philippe>>> 1.3, and it works quite fine...
> <<<Philippe>>> Thanks for your feedback.
> <<<Philippe>>>
> <<<Philippe>>> Philippe Maseres
> <<<Philippe>>>
> <<<Philippe>>>
> <<<Philippe>>>
> <<<Philippe>>> **********************************************************
> <<<Philippe>>> Electronic Mail is not secure, may not be read every
> <<<Philippe>>> day, and should not be used for urgent or sensitive issues.

Davanum Srinivas -

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