I don't think there's any tool to automatically generate a client program that uses the stubs generated by Java2Wsdl.    But I'm not sure what you would want such a program to do; are you looking for a program that automatically generates JSP pages, or automatically generates a swing application?

babloosony wrote:
Bill- I am talking about the actual client java programs that used the
stubs created by AXIS Java2WSDL ?

On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 09:31:00 +0900, Bill Keese
Java2Wsdl should generate stubs for the client side.   What was missing
from the Java2Wsdl output?

babloosony wrote:

Hi All,

I have one interesting doubt! Say there are lot of WSDL's exposed by
some third party web service providers.  I am using Apache AXIS 1.2
RC2 on client side. Are there any tools out there that can write java
client programs  automatically that used stubs generated by AXIS 1.2
RC2. Since the wsdl's may describe a method that takes or returns
some java bean to complex types which themselves again contain complex
types, I want to automate the process  of constructing such java
beans/complex types that are required to call a operation on the web

I am automating the build process of above and constructing web
service client program that can readily be  used by others and only
problem is I am not able to automate the process of writing client
programs that can be used  for testing the web serivce endpoint.

Hope I am clear on my illustration. Please suggest ....

Thanks & Regards,



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