I have a doc/lit based web service created by WSDL2Java that implements

In my code, I have been asked to remove my hard coding of how I access
our Data Bases services and to load init parameters to look that
information up.

I did a search of the list and found 1 thread from July of 2003 that
talked about the getInitParameter() call.  In that thread, the author
appeared to implement ServiceLifecycle and get access to his context in
the init() method.

2 questions:

1) Can I replace the reference to java.rmi.Remote in my code with
javax.xml.rpc.server.ServiceLifecycle and use the init() method?  I
suspect not as my code is doc/lit, but I am no expert.

2) If I can't do the replacement, is the following code correct for
accessing the init parameters?

HttpServlet servletContext = 
String strStaging = servletContaxt.getInitParameter( "MySQL_Staged_ACI"

I know that the MySQL_Staged_ACI parameter is defined correctly in my
web.xml as I can load it's value from a JSP page and from a servlet I'm
using as a reference template.

Thanks for your time!


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