OK, it worked without doing anything special for the array.

The extra classes are included in the wsdd and it works, but if a Bean[] appears explicitly as an argument of a method there's also an explictit type mapping in the wsdd for the Bean[], but not when using --extraClasses. It works, but I am curios why the difference.

Thanks for your tip.


Sebastien Mayemba Mbokoso wrote:
I think u don't need to include anything special for your arrays.
Generate all your stubs with the task WSDL2Java and look at in the
deploy.wsdd if the extra classes are mapped.


On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 12:12:53 -0800, Tim K. (Gmane) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yes, I do. Ah, I missed the --extraClasses option ...

Do I need to also include anything special for the arrays to work (e.g.a
B[] in addition to B)?



Sebastien Mayemba Mbokoso wrote:

Do you know all the object types of 'Object o' at run-time ? If you do
maybe you can use
Java2WSDL with that more option : --extraClasses ?


On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 11:20:24 -0800, Tim K. (Gmane) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Using java2wsdl to generate the WSDL from java server side classes, how
can I force the registration of a serializer/deserializer for a bean
that does not appear directly in the method arguments, e.g.:

public A foo(A a)

where A is a bean which can contain another bean B and also a bean array
B[] but it's not typed (e.g. it's defined as an Object):

 Object o;  // At run-time this can be B, B[] or other things.

The problem is that at run-time the server complains that there is no
deserializer for B which makes sense because java2wsdl has never seen B
anywhere in the method signatures.

The work-around so far has been to add a dummy method that has both B
and B[] as arguments, but there's gotta be a nicer way to do it.

Thank you for your help.


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