Dear all,


Thanks to everyone who helped me out with pointers for getting up to speed on web services. I can safely say the best advice I have received is "start with the WSDL"! :-)


An interesting point with my web service, though, is that although the WSDL passes the WS-I compliance test, the message sent in response does not. It looks fine to me, but it fails two tests which both appear to be namespace-related. I can post the WSDL and the WS-I check log if anyone is interested or able to advise. I think I may have made a mistake in the WSDL to get this error out. Either that, or it's a small problem with the way Axis builds its response messages. In any case, it works, and we can say that the WSDL at least is WS-I-compliant, so my boss is happy. :-)


One other question. I noticed that when I do wsdl2java the generated deploy.wsdd has ">" before each element data type. I have searched around but I can't find the reason for this. Can anyone shed any light?






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