Thanks a lot, guys!
Actually i´m on Win2K, using Apache and Active Perl. If that should matter.
As a newbie to Perl and Apache, i think i will cost me some time to set it
up, but hey, i also got cocoon2 running without any knowledge of Java or
Tomcat ;-)

Best regards
----- Original Message -----
From: "Terrence Brannon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Matt Sergeant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 12:24 AM
Subject: Re: getting axkit

> On Thursday, January 31, 2002, at 05:21 PM, Matt Sergeant wrote:
> > On Thu, 31 Jan 2002, Gregor wrote:
> >
> >> Hi everybody,
> >>
> >> just a short Newbie-Question, sorry...
> >> To get axkit running, all i need is the latest version (axkit 1.5 from
> >> 31.12.01) ?
> >
> > The best way to do it is:
> >
> > 1. Get Apache and mod_perl running. There's a good recipe for
> > doing that
> > in a stable manner in the INSTALL file.
> be sure to compile mod_perl with EVERYTHING=1
> and be sure that expat is disabled
> and be sure that USE_DSO=0
> and remove the LoadModule commands from httpd.conf because you
> are creating a static httpd
> >
> > 2. Install libxml2 and libxslt from
> >
> > 3. Install XML::LibXML, XML::LibXSLT, XML::Parser, XML::XPath
> > from CPAN.
> I only installed XML::LibXML and XML::Parser and XML::XPath.
> I have not bothered with others. I don't think they are necessary
> to browse the entire website that comes with axkit-1.5
> oh, and I hope you have libiconv.a lying around or built into
> your Unix. I had to search quite a bit to find a good one for Mac
> OS X.
> Be sure and search the archives (actually, look thru the archives
> until Matt updates mailinglists.xml with the link to searchable
> version of the archives) and here is my notes from my first day
> of looking thru to see how things are done... it's all
> pretty clean and makes you wish you had it for the last site you
> did.
> - index.xml
>    1. Sets up its default and alternate stylesheets to be
> webpage_html.xps
>    2. Includes /sidebar.xml and /news.xml via DOCTYPE statement
>    Both of these files are pure XML data with no references to
>    stylesheets. In fact, news.xml may have been downloaded via some
>    sort of batch process and never been touched by the site author!
>    3. Describes index webpage content (the part in the middle between
>       the sidebar and the RDF bar... hey where's the Hershey bar?) in
>       XML
>    4. Other pages have the exact same things in them, except they do
>       not list both stylesheets, just one. These pages are faq.xml,
>       features.xml, install.xml, license.xml, mailinglist.xml, and
>       support.xml.
> - sidebar.xml: Plain xml page with no stylesheet info
> - news.xml: Plain xml page with no stylesheet info
> - webpage_html.xps
>    This is an xpathscript file (ie, one written to be processed with
>    XML::XPath, which one could say is alternative to XML::Twig and XSLT)
>    1. This includes sidebar_html.xps, rdf_html.xps and spacer.xps via
>       server-side include notation
> File Inclusion Mechanisms
> !--#include    - used in Xpathscript
> taglib         - used somewhere, somehow!
> doctype        - used at the top of XML files to include other XML
> files
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