S Woodside wrote:

That's a feature actually :-) Since it means that you'll always get valid XML as your output.

So the question is - does this work?

Yeah, but at the moment it's not how I'm doing it. I'm trying to avoid import and include since they create a strong coupling and therefore reduce reusability.
Not necessarily.

If you do enough XSLT over time, you find that (like anything) you end up solving the same types of problems over and over. A library of common functional templates for things like "commifying" lists, generating predictable, search engine friendly IDs for links and named anchors and so on, is a really handy time and labor saver.

I've also seen this same common library approach used to good effect at the site level, where having common site elements (page headers and footers, static navbars, etc.) not only greatly reduced the overall complexity of the other stylesheets in the site, but provided an easy way to make global changes by altering one templates.

Pipelining is one approach to creating modular, reusable transformation chains-- common libraries of imported templates offers another; neither is generically superior in all situations. The best part is, you get to use both at the same time if it suits you best :-)


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