Robin Berjon wrote:
> Another would be the ability to populate a
form using an instance XML document and the possibility of recreating a similar instance based on what is submitted back.
XForms support aside for a sec, I've been pondering the idea of a roundtripping Provider for multi-screen apps.


1 first request (a GET)
- Default XML instance is read from disk, provided in the usual way.

2 second request (a POST, prolly)
- XML instance is created dynamically from the POSTed data, is stringified and the result provided via get_strref instead of the file from the disk.
- The preferred_style property is altered (or get_styles is used directly) to select the styles for the current application state.

3 Rinse and repeat #2 until all application conditions and validity constraints for the document are met by the POSTed dynamic instance.

Ideas? Thoughts? Rotten tomatoes?


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