Arne Claassen wrote:

Huh.. When i created a test.xml and left out <?xml-stylesheet> Axkit passed it through as raw XML.

D'Oh! That's what I get for writing email before coffee. Having no associated styles used to thow an exception in eariler versions.

Which ties into a question about AxAddProcessor text/xsl styles/stylesheet.xsl
i.e. if your xml has <?xml-stylesheet>, why would you use AxAddProcessor?

Easier to maintain, more options available via the config directives.

xml-stylesheet processing instructions have their place. Most sites, though, usually have one or more global styles that provide the site's common look (with pre-procesing where needed for special cases) and if you want to change the global stylesheet and are using xml-stylesheet PIs, the you have to touch every XML doc on the site. The same change using AxAddProcessor is a one-line change in one file.

Similarly, setting up conditional processing chains that are selected at request-time (via a StyleChooser, MediaChooser or other Plugin) are a lot easier to set up and maintain via config directive, and provide more flexibility than alternate titled or media-speciic xml-processing instructions.

Are you sure that you have the

PerlModule Apache::Filter
line at the root level of your httpd.conf and that Apache::Filter is installed?

Yes and yes. At least, the file exists and it's in the @INC.

Hmmm.. Do you have Apache::Status installed? If so, check to see that Apache::Filter in the list of loaded modules. Note: you can check the "Mod_Perl Hooks" link from the status page to verify that PerlStackedHandlers is enabled as well.


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