Nathan Schroeder wrote:
Am I right in thinking there's no way to mix and match <? xml-stylesheet ?> tags in an .xml file and AxAddProcessor directives in httpd.conf? My specific question is this: are all AxAddProcessor (and <AxAddStyle>) directives ignored once a file is determined to have its own stylesheet tags? I'm trying to put in a global (site-wide) named style for print formatting, and it's getting ignored since all of our pages have a specific tag, usually custom (generally the name of the page).

Hopefully that makes sense. The documentation makes it sound like the stylesheet chaining carries into the httpd.conf file if no suitable style is found, but it doesn't seem to for me.

AxKit does fall back to styles defined via httpd.conf (or .htaccess) but only if *no* stylesheet PIs in the document match. Since you have both a persistent style (one that is always applied) and a preferred style (one that has a title, but is not alternate and is hence used as the default) defined, AxKit doesn't examine the styles that may be set in the configuration file.

So, the short answer is, yeah, styles defined via stylesheet PIs and configuration-based styles are a bit of an either-or-proposition at this point.

As a side note, if you switch to an all configuration-based setup, remember that styles are combined from the "bottom up" through the path hierarchy. That is, given the following:

<Directory /site/root>
  AxAddProcessor text/xsl /styles/root.xsl

<Location /dir1>
  AxAddProcessor text/xsl /styles/dir1.xsl

<Location /dir1/mypage.xsp>
  AxAddProcessor application/x-xsp NULL
  AxAddProcessor text/xsl /styles/mypage.xsl

For a request to /dir1/mypage.xsp these styles would be applied in the following order:

XSP -> mypage.xsl -> dir1.xsl -> global.xsl

IOW, styles defined deeper in the tree are *prepended* to the list of processors (with the idea being that more generic styles are usually defined at higher levels).

Maybe Steve Willer (who has built large-scale sites/apps with many per-resource transformations) and others might share some ideas here for another approach.


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