Howdy Axers,

Yes, the rumors are (finally) true...

_XML Publishing with AxKit_ has been published and is now available at bookseller near you! For more information, please see the Table of Contents below and visit:

I did my best to make sure that book has something for everyone, regardless of their familiarity with AxKit. New users will find detailed but concise coverage of the common topics of XML-based publishing, as well as need-to-know level introductions to XSLT, XPathScript, and XSP. AxKit veterans will find advanced publishing techniques, exhaustive API references for each of AxKit components, and clear strategies for (and examples of) how to extend AxKit to meet new or specialized requirements.

It is my sincerest hope that the book will not only help to inform the current members of the AxKit community, but will serve as a tool for AxKit advocacy and means for developing a larger and stronger community in the future.

If you pick up a copy (I know some folks here already have) be sure to share your thoughts by posting reviews on your favorite tech site or blog of choice-- the more people that know about AxKit, the more likely they are to leave their creaky 20th century tools behind.

Thanks for enduring my little pitch; we now return you to your regularly scheduled AxKitting, already in progress...


ps. I'll be giving a session talk on AxKit at O'Reilly's Open Source Convention next week in Portland. If you are attending OSCon (you are, aren't you???), feel free to drop by and say 'Hi' (and maybe even get your book signed :-).

Table of Contents:


1. XML as a Publishing Technology
     Exploding a Few Myths About XML Publishing
     XML Basics
     Publishing XML Content
     Introducing AxKit, an XML Application Server for Apache

2. Installing AxKit
     Installation Requirements
     Installing the AxKit Core
     Installing AxKit on Win 32 Systems
     Basic Server Configuration
     Testing the Installation
     Installation Troubleshooting

3. Your First XML Web Site
     Creating the Source XML Documents
     Writing the Stylesheet
     Associating the Documents with the Stylesheet
     A Step Further: Syndicating Content

4. Points of Style
     Adding Transformation Language Modules
     Defining Style Processors
     Dynamically Choosing Style Transformations
     Style Processor Configuration Cheatsheet

5. Transforming XML Content with XSLT
     XSLT Basics
     A Brief XSLT Cookbook

6. Transforming XML Content with XPathScript
     XPathScript Basics
     The Template Hash: A Closer Look
     XPathScript Cookbook

7. Serving Dynamic XML Content
     Introduction to eXtensible Server Pages
     Other Dynamic XML Techniques

8. Extending AxKit
     AxKit's Architecture
     Custom Plug-ins
     Custom Providers
     Custom Language Modules
     Custom ConfigReaders
     Getting More Information

9. Integrating AxKit with Other Tools
     The Template Toolkit
     Providing Content via Apache::Filter

Appendix: AxKit Configuration Directive Reference


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