
I'm new to this list (hello) and fairly new in my job, which I took over 
from a regular poster to this list. I've found my way around AxKit pretty 
well, but now I want to make some big changes to the website and I'm 
getting a bit stuck. Perhaps just stuck in my own thoughts, but still, you 
might be able to help me. :)

The website currently logs users off after 30 minutes of inactivity and if 
they come back after that, they need to log in again. We want to make them 
log in automatically upon returning (if they have agreed to that, of 
course). Now it's not very hard to do that, but I want this to be done 
_before_ the server decides whether the user has access to the page at 
We use the Apache::AxKit::Plugin::Session plugin to decide which users can 
see which pages. I would like it to be so that users that use a direct 
link/bookmark to a 'restricted' page to which they have access to, the 
server would log them in, recognize they do have access to the page they 
try to view, process the page and return it to the user('s browser).

Would something like this be possible?

(An alternative -that I just thought of while typing this- would be the 
following sequence: 'anonymous' user tries to access restricted page -> 
redirected to general login page -> user is logged in there (by server) -> 
appears to have access after all -> is redirected back to original page. 
Any thoughts on this? It seems a bit complicated and -if for some reason 
the automatic login fails- the risk of the user ending up in an infinite 
loop seems likely.)

Thanks. (And sorry if this is a silly question/not very on-topic.)


Martijn Grooten
Web Developer
Virus Bulletin Ltd, The Pentagon, Abingdon, OX14 3YP, England.
Company Reg No: 2388295. VAT Reg No: GB 532 5598 33.

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