On Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 6:11 AM, Martin Owens <docto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Gang,
> Ubuntu 11.10
> My good friend said "I've installed Inkscape and gimp and i can't find
> them" he continued to try and navigate the Ubuntu lens and got
> frustrated with not being able to find them. I told him to type them in
> and he just said "What if I can't remember what it's called" and then
> said "Oh great I've burned the toast, thanks Ubuntu".
> He's going to make a folder on the desktop with links to the apps, since
> the Unity lens and bar isn't sufficient for showing what apps are
> installed.
> Any ideas on solving these issues?

Hi Martin, hope things are going well.

I notice when initially opening the unity lens with <Super>+A and apps
that I've recently used are at the top and "Installed Apps is below"
if I expand that by clicking See all <n> apps, all my apps are listed
and it stays expanded the next time I use unity.

You can also get to this list by using <Super> then clicking on "More Apps"

Hope this helps.


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