I don't see how going ahead and doing it would hurt. The worst that could
happen is that the set isn't accepted as a default, and there's another
nice option for users to install if they want. I'd like to see what you
come up with.

I recommend keeping a distinct shape for each icon. This is one of my least
favorite things about Faenza; all of the icons have the same shape.
On Dec 11, 2011 5:33 PM, "Saleel Velankar" <svela...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I believe the actions icons are too colourful and have way too much
> detail. They should be more simple, clean, utilitarian. The new software
> center in oneiric already uses monochrome actions icons. I know that SABDFL
> already said something about getting a design school involved in redoing
> the icons. I was wondering if there would be any support if I went ahead
> and redid just the actions icons? I have some experience. (
> islingt0ner.deviantart.com <http://islingt0ner.deviantart.com/gallery>)**
> what I mean is would such a project be beneficial? I have actually already
> started work on it, but was wondering whether its worth finishing? here is
> what I started yesterday: http://i.imgur.com/N7CLX.png
> The 'go' and 'arrows' are the headings of the name so for example go-next
> or arrow-left.
> I would ofcourse work with any crtique, concerns. I just dont want to be
> one of those designers that is like, "here I made this, put it in." If
> there is a desire for such a project inside Ubuntu, then I want to work
> with people, you know?
> Love & Respect & profusely apologetic if this is the wrong list,
> --
> Saleel
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