Hi Michael, we are aware of this. Please consider in this case the specs as
non pixel perfect representation. We will tweak with the text sizes once
the new layout is in place.

Thanks, chr

On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 5:03 PM, Michael Terry

> Hello again!  I'm looking into the Universal Access panel visual refresh
> [1].  One thing I noticed is that the spec has the controls all using the
> normal system font size.  Whereas the current panel in Ubuntu uses a larger
> font size to help people with poor eyesight.
> Now, of course the larger font size is not necessarily a good idea.  A
> user first has to get to that point.  And there also are plenty of other
> unaddressed universal access issues one might have that would make the
> panel hard to use besides just poor eyesight.
> But I just wanted to double confirm that the spec's choice of font size
> was intentional.
> -mt
> [1] https://docs.google.com/**document/d/**1ILTJDiDCd25Npt2AmgzF8aOnZZECx*
> *TfM0hvsbWT2BxA/edit?hl=en_GB&**pli=1#heading=h.rg4kxzyufljj<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ILTJDiDCd25Npt2AmgzF8aOnZZECxTfM0hvsbWT2BxA/edit?hl=en_GB&pli=1#heading=h.rg4kxzyufljj>
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