Come on guys , 5 days on a 700 strong mailing list (but I guess that's
not really the number) , at least someone should be interested in having
some annotation/event functionalities on the calendar . That'll be my
last post promoting it , but come on ... maybe ayatana needs promoting:? //
(from Brainstorm , , Solution #7 )
A big panel calendar with simple events/notes :
Now , I envision it as being one of the super handy things that Ubuntu
has , so bare with me . I've always had trouble keeping track of my
daily notes, but I'm frequently around the computer .So when I'm on the
computer I want to be able to easily check what the notes/events for the
day are and to check them or add more (for any of the upcoming days)
.The most handy thing to have is to click on the calendar , which will
drop a two-thirds-of-the-screen type of panel (picture : ) , that has
the calendar , and in each cell (representing a day) there could be
events/notes , that are readable as soon as you expand the applet (and
everything hides on Esc or click on the indicator) . I think no other OS
has anything similar . So to add an event or to edit one - just click on
the cell .
An addition to the idea is to have the cell ,that's clicked on, expand
(makes it more usable when there's many events/notes) as shown in the
What I've drawn is pretty bad , but I guess you could imagine a better
coloured version with some transparency and some simple open-animation .
Importing/exporting with a mail client and/or Ubuntu One will make the
integration complete and enable syncing with other devices through the
already existing systems.
Best regards ,
Petko Ditchev
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