Hello! I'm a big fan of Ubuntu and the Unity interface and wanted to ask a few questions about the design. You recently changed the dash Home because the apps listed there were, usually, already in the launcher and i thought that was an awesome move, even more so since the introduction of the quicklist in the launcher items. But now with the introduction of those quicklists (also a great step in the right direction) the nautilus launcher has quicklist for all our favorite folders, so now people will use even less the Files Lens in the dash even though it lets us search for files and folders more quickly. So now we have something like the old places menu in gnome 2, but what about an app menu? We still have to open the dash and make a few choices in the app category before we are shown only, the type of apps we want. And there is also an "System/Control Center" launcher in the launcher, something also similar to gnome 2 menu. Have you thought of putting 2 new shortcuts in the launcher, that take us to the apps and files lens? The Files Lens in the Launcher would substitute the nautilus launcher, using the same quicklist options but when left clicking it would take us to the Files Lens in the dash. The Apps Lens in the launcher would have quicklist for the main apps category but when left clicking it would take us to the Apps Lens in the Dash. The BFB or dash icon would open the Dash Home with icons for all the Lenses available. This would make unity more LENS centric and would make the workflow faster and easier for newcomers.
Thank you in advance for taking your time to read this and for all your effort in improving Ubuntu. And sorry for my bad english. -- This message was sent from Launchpad by Morais (https://launchpad.net/~jmsmorais85) using the "Contact this team" link on the Ayatana Discussion team page (https://launchpad.net/~ayatana). For more information see https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/ContactingPeople _______________________________________________ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~ayatana Post to : ayatana@lists.launchpad.net Unsubscribe : https://launchpad.net/~ayatana More help : https://help.launchpad.net/ListHelp