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Journal of Latin American Studies (2000),
32:115-144 Cambridge University Press
Copyright © 2000 Cambridge University Press
Research Article

Contesting Hybridity: Evangelistas and Kataristas in Highland Bolivia (fn1)
(a1) Department of Sociology, University of Essex


Two of the most striking aspects of social change in recent decades in Latin
America have been the rise of indigenist movements and the spread of
evangelical Protestantism. To date they have been analysed separately, but
this article shows that a comparison of the two in the context of Bolivia
can prove highly productive. Although in many respects evangelismo and
katarismo are diametrically opposed, there are some striking similarities.
They draw their adherents from the same social base, undermine the notion of
a homogeneous nation-state and also clearly reject the position of cultural
mestizaje at the root of Bolivian state ideology. Thus, at a time when
'hybridised' cultural forms are supposed to be becoming more common in Latin
America and around the world, these two social movements explicitly contest

(fn1): A version of this paper was presented at the Society of Latin
American Studies Conference in St Andrews in the Spring of 1997. I am
grateful to Jane Hindley, Valerie Fraser, Mike Roper and Juliana
Ströbele-Gregor for comments on earlier drafts as well as the helpful
suggestions of two anonymous reviewers. Any errors are, of course, my


Vaya, en el ILCA parece existir un relacion muy
fuerte con St.Andrews  :)

Alex Condori

----- Mensaje original -----
De: <ilca@...>
Para: <aymaralist@...>
Enviado: jueves, 25 de abril de 2002 14:43
Asunto: Re: [aymara] Los candidatos de MIP

> Estimados colegas,
> No es realmente una sorpresa que Walter Reinaga es parte de la secta
> metodista, puesto que, segun se dice, muchas personas en el movimiento
> katarista e indianista en Bolivia tienen una formacion en el metodismo y
> otras sectas evangelistas. Estos incluyen a Carlos Mamani, Victor Hugo
> Cardenas, Javier Tito de la UPEA, Raul Loayza de MAS y algunos miembros
> Mas bien habria que tratar de entender el vinculo entre los dos
> movimientos. El academico ingles-español Andrew Canessa plantea en un
> articulo  (Contesting hybridity: evangelistas and kataristas in Highland
> Bolivia, JLAS 32, 2000: 115-144) que esto se debe a que los dos
> son muy relacionados en su lucha por un purismo ideologico, su búsqueda
> un modernismo 'apropiado', que sus miembros vienen de la misma base
> y que ambos grupos buscan una especie de mesianismo (Que vuela Jesús...
> vuelva Tupaq Katari carajo). Nos hace pensar.
> Saludos,
> Amigos de la lista
> Casilla 2681
> La Paz, Bolivia, Sudamerica
> Tel: (00 591 2) 396806
> Fax: (00 591 2) 396815
> url:


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