You mentioned Seraphim but said record #72.  Seraphim is record #73 and 
that's the one that I did.

Aos vinte e oito dias do mez do Julho
do anno de mil oito centos seteinta e
três, n'esta Egreja Parochial de Nossa
Senhora do Rozario, concelho da villa de
Lagoa, Diocese d'Angra, baptizei solem
nemente um individuo do sexo mascu
lino, a quem dei o nome de Seraphim,
e que nasceu n'esta freguesia, digo e que
sem trazer signal distintivo, foi expor
to na Roda publica d'esta vila as seis
horas de manhã do dia, digo, d'este
mesmo dia mez e anno.  Foi padrinho
João Joaquim Ferreira, cazado, Sachris-
tão, morador na rua da Canada Velha d'
esta freguezia, e Madrinha Albina Pache
co, casado, d'occupação domestica, mora
dora na freguezia de Nossa Senhora dos
Anjos d'Agua de Pão, os quais todos sei
serem do próprios. E para constar
lavrei em duplicado este assento, que
depois de ser lido, e conferido perante
os padrinhos, comigo o não assinam a
Madrinha, por não saber escrever.
Era ut supra.
Padrinho João Joaquim Ferreira
O Cura José Jacintho Tavares de Souza

On the 28th [not 26th] day of the month of July, of the year one thousand 
eight hundred seventy-three, in this church parish of Nossa Senhora do 
Rosário, in the township of Lagoa, diocese of Angra, I solemnly bapitized 
an individual of the male sex, of whom I gave the name of Seraphim, who was 
born in this parish, I say that without bringing distinctive signs(?), was 
exposed to the public wheel of this village at 6 in the morning of the day, 
I say of the same day, month and year.  Godfather is João Joaquim Ferreira, 
married, Sacristan, resident on the street of Canada Velha of this township 
and godmother Albina Pacheco, married, domestic housewife, resident of the 
parish of Nossa Senhora dos Anjos d'Agua de Pão, of whom all of which was 
said I know to be true. And for this record of which I drew up in duplicate 
form after having been read & confirmed before the godparents, before me, 
not signed by the godmother of whom cannot sign for not knowing how to 
write.  What is written above is true.
Godfather: João Joaquim Ferreira [his signature]
Priest José Jacintho Tavares de Souza [signature]

On Sunday, January 6, 2013 9:39:30 PM UTC-8, Luci wrote:
> I have found the baptismal record for my grandfather, Seraphim born in 
> 1873 in Lagoa - Nossa Senhora do Rosario.  He was "exposta".  I have 
> ordered the DNA kit to see if it might provide some clues, but in the 
> meantime I would greatly appreciate help translating the baptismal record 
> to see if it contains anything useful.  I do not speak Portuguese.  The 
> record is Rosario, Baptismos 1870-1879 > 1873 > 0039. This is a link:
> He is record #72 which goes through to the next page. 
> This is what I was able to decipher:
> On the 26th day of the month of July in the year one thousand eight 
> hundred seventy three in the parish church ___________ Our Lady of the Holy 
> Rosary, district of Villa de Lagoa, Diocese ____________, I baptized 
> solemnly an individual of the male sex to whom I gave the name Seraphim, 
> who was born ______________*___________________________*
> ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
> The godfather John Joaquim Ferreira, married, residing on 
> __________Street, and godmother Ursula de Jesus, married, __________, 
> resident of the parish of __________________________________.  
> Thanks!
> Luci Morris-Tyndall 
> researching Moraes (or Morais on San Miguel), and Machado & Fonseca on 
> Pico)

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