
Do you know anyone by the name of Airoso in Sac? When I went to teach a 
Portuguese Genealogy class for Merced Gen. Soc. there was a lady there and her 
family name was Airoso and her people was from Sacramento. I didn’t think that 
it could have been that name having never heard of it before. I’m curious about 
the origin. 


Sent: Friday, August 30, 2013 3:59 PM
Cc: Isabella Baltar 
Subject: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: Gonçalves_ancestors - Terceira

Hi Isabella,

Yea, that's the line.

I need to look more carefully for a connection between us. The one I described 
leads to that interesting surname of Airoso, but I am only speculating on your 
link back to about the year 1500.

And I don't know your most recent Terceira ancestors, so can't really say what 
our closest link might be. 
You did once mention your Drummond line, but I don't know the parents of Teresa 
Lopes, who might not both be from Terceira, since she was from Rio. That is the 
only blank area that might have a line that is closer than the others.

I don't have enough research completed on all your lines - most are into the 
middle 1700s and though I might have their ancestors, I don't know the links 
between them. And I also see Adriana Drummond's mother, Maria Teodora, I don't 
know about her yet. Again, there could be a link there.

In summary, there are many holes and I can't yet answer you.
But like Airoso above, we also have another theoretical connection from the 
name Leonardes. The same Pacheco line also goes back to the Leonardes family 
and that ultimately leads to one of the original settlers of Terceira during 
the time of Jacome de Bruges in 1451. His name was Joao Leonardes, of Flanders, 
I believe (off the top of my head), born in an estimated 1405 (I just checked 
that one). He was one of the four named Joao. 

I have Goncalves Leonardo in Sao Bento, and just about everyone who has Sao 
Bento and Ribeirinha (next door) ancestry has this same Goncalves Leonardo 
line. There was a huge court battle between descendants of this family who had 
property (lots of property) in Sao Sebastiao, and I don't know enough details, 
but from this court battle we learned a lot more about the descendants. They 
include the Lopes Cabaco family.

>From my notes, here is a quote from the book by your ancestor:

"Anais da Ilha Terceira" volume I, by
Francisco Ferreira Drummond, (reprinted in 1981 from the original 1850
edition), it says on pg.39:

  "Pelo mesmo tempo se estabeleceu no Arrabalde da villa de S. Sebastião o
referido João Leonardes, casado com Catharina Dias, de quem teve muitos
filhos, e parece tomou ali a sua primeira data nas immediações do Pico da
Mina, á Ribeira Sêcca."

And looking more, I see you have an Aguiar family which must connect to my own 
Aguiar line, since it's the original line for all named Aguiar in Terceira, 

I see a LUCAS surname from Altares that probably connects to my Lucas from 
Altares another generation or two back (into the middle 1500s).

That's about it, pending more info on the blanks I need to fill.


Doug da Rocha Holmes
Sacramento, California
Pico & Terceira Genealogist

  -------- Original Message --------
  Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy]_Re:_Gonçalves_ancestors_-_Tercei ra
  From: Isabella Baltar <>
  Date: Fri, August 30, 2013 11:14 am
  Cc: Isabella Baltar <>

  Hi Doug, 

  I just checked my genealogy software and found my Pacheco line. I have 
Francisco Vieira Pacheco married to Anna Maria (both my 5th great 
grandfather/mother), they were parents of Roza Ignacia Vieira, who married 
Vicente Jacques de Oliveira (both my 4th great grandfather/mother).

  I haven't research back on this line, maybe that's why I couldn't find my 

  Right now I have been doing research mainly on my mtDNA ancestry, but this 
doesn't mean I'm not interested on them, I just don't have enough time to 

  So do we have a connection?

  Isabella Baltar

  On Thursday, August 29, 2013 2:26:59 PM UTC-4, Doug da Rocha Holmes wrote: 
    Hi Isabella,

    Gonçalves is so common throughout every freguesia in every island, I am 
surprised it hasn't appeared in your tree yet. I must have 50 ancestors named 
Gonçalves from every ancestral line.

    You say somewhere on your website about an ancestor from Cabo da Praia and 
so I just looked at the tree for that ancestor and I find you do have 
Gonçalves. As I say, it would be surprising not to.

    But maybe you didn't find your way back far enough and haven't yet reached 
your ancestor named Manuel Gonçalves who married Catarina. Find them through 
your Pacheco line.

    And that same line has a very interesting connection to a family that is 
also mine and would make us very remotely related through the surname AIROSO.

    My oldest AIROSO ancestor was born maybe about 1537. I have a guess that 
your Airoso link might be from about another generation back - maybe 1500.

    So when you get back to that line, you can investigate that more.


    Doug da Rocha Holmes
    Sacramento, California
    Pico & Terceira Genealogist

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