Hi group, 

I have been quiet on the group lately because I have been quite busy in other 
parts of my life... namely family.  

Yesterday, was my annual day off due to Sunday being a not so good day in the 
family tree for me.  I know four people who have passed away on that day.  My 
paternal grandfather passed away on 11/17/1998.  I haven't worked on that day 
ever since.  

In light of the glum day, I generally do genealogy and other hobbies on the day 
to liven the spirit.  

While it was two days ago, I have been working on the genealogy for the past 
couple of days.  Today, I went to the Family History Library in Oakland and was 
trying to find some information out for Paul Gomes from the list, also my 
second cousin.  

In the midst of my searching efforts, I enlisted the assistance of one of the 
volunteers at the library.  During our conversation, most of which I was 
justifying all the information I knew about the family and why there were no 
other lines from my great-grandfather that we are aware of in the US.  Not 
because they are  not here, just because as far as I know, he is the only one 
from his generation that came to the Left Coast (West Coast) of the US.  

Any who... to my question.  While I was talking to the person who was helping 
me at the library.  I explained to him that my great-grandparents and their 
oldest sone (Manuel) were the immigrant generation from Madeira.  I also 
explained that the next seven children were born in Hawaii between 1907 and 
1920, and finally my grandfather was born in Oakland, CA.   He asked if I had 
searched for any immigration papers for the children that were born in Hawaii.  
I told him that I did not believe that they needed to petition for citizenship 
because they were born in Hawaii.  While it was not yet a state between the 
dates that the family was there, it was a territory of the US ( I know I may be 
using the wrong word to describe the status of Hawaii at that time.)  I told 
him that I did not think that my Aunt and Uncles needed to apply for 
citizenship?  Was I incorrect?  Just curious.  

Eric Gomes
Castro Valley, CA

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