
I just unearthed the marriage record of one set of ancestors of mine.   It 
is fairly neat writing and I don't have much trouble deciphering most of it.

I can make out that on November 27th 1779, Antonio de Quadros son of Antao 
Pereira de Quadros and Maria Ascencao (deasesed) married to Anna Pereira de 
Borba daughter of Simao Pereira de Cunha (deceased) and Maria (deceased).

I *am* however having trouble making out Anna (the bride's) mother's last 
name.... Gil? It looks like an abreviation for something.... whatever it is 
I am certiain I am misreading it.  If anyone has any thoughts on it please 
let me know!

The only other thing I would like to verify is that the grooms mother is 
deceased, not the grooms father.  I usually see defuncto after the parents 
names, but in this case it is before her name.... am I correct that she is 
the one that is deceased, and that Antao is living?

Thank you very much!

*Jeremy B-C*
*Researching: Sao Jorge, Pico, Flores, Terceira, Faial, Graciosa*

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