I just stumbled upon this post, as I am new to the group. I have Martins 
from Feteira, Faial in my family as well, and I am not finding much more on 
that part of the family. Rosa Silvina Martins (b 1898 - ?, married to 
Rufino Silveira de Faria), and her mother Rosa Silvia Martins (AKA Rosa 
Silveira Martins, and Rosa Margarida Martins). I am curious if these names 
are familiar to you. Thank you for your time.

On Wednesday, March 29, 2017 at 8:25:36 PM UTC-7, Cheri Mello wrote:
> Repost for Pat Girard, quilterpat705 at sbcglobal.net
> Hi Cheri,
> I had to share this with you! Four years ago I saw a post on the Azores 
> Google Group asking if anyone had Martins from Feteira Faial in their 
> tree.  I was so excited because I did and it had been a dead end. I 
> contacted Deb McCabe and we compared notes. We were convinced that we 
> probably were 3rd cousins. Fast forward to FTDNA. Yes, we are 3rd cousins! 
> We are meeting in person for the first time in 2 weeks. I'm so excited 
> because she is the first living relative I have found on my father's side. 
> Previously the only paternal relatives I have ever known were my father, my 
> grandfather (who died when I was 5) and my aunt who was childless.
> Thank you Cheri, I couldn't have done this without you. You are forever in 
> my debt. Can't wait till the conference!
> Pat Girard
> PS, If you wish to post this to the group please do.

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