(Cross posted to Azores, Madeira, and IslandRoutes)

Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) is having a sale on Family Finder (same test as
AncestryDNA, My Heritage, 23 and Me). It is on sale for $59 USD though
Wednesday, February 14th at 11:59 pm CST.

You get your matches within the FTDNA database, your ethnicity ESTIMATES,
your ancient origins, a chromosome browser, and parental matching!

FTDNA also has projects. So we have Azores, Madeira, and Cape Verde. You
also have access to project admins who are volunteers. Many times we can
answer your question quicker than Customer Service. Also, as we pull
together the results of the project members, we are starting to patterns or
clusters form. We may be able to tell you which family clusters you are
related to.

If you have ordered a Y-DNA test or an mtDNA test, log into your FTDNA page
with your kit number and password and click the blue Upgrade button in the
upper right corner.

If you would like to test and have never ordered before (you are a
brand-new customer), use the corresponding link below to order. If you have
ancestry in multiple regions, we'll get you into the other projects as
well. Just order through one of them to start (Yes, FTDNA ships worldwide.
It's $12.95 USD for S&H).

New Customers order here:
Azores: https://goo.gl/Lw3XFg
Madeira: https://goo.gl/xHpcxh
Cape Verde: https://goo.gl/MyegqK

Cheri Mello, Rick Pimentel, Luis Beal, Nancy Jean Baptiste, Family Tree DNA
Admins (volunteers)

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