E, when I first bought a Mac I used BootCamp and found that I didn’t like
booting to either Windows or Mac but wanted access to both platforms all
the time. Plus I had to decide how much memory each operating system was
going to use so if I put too much information on one side or the other I
would run out of space. Making Windows a virtual operating system by using
Paralells on the Mac is easier to use in the long run but takes a little
getting used to in the beginning. There are videos on YouTube that can help
but what it will allow you to do is run every thing in one place rather
than shutting down one side to run something on the other. I’d look into
getting Paralells.

Joanne Mercier

On March 1, 2018 at 4:57:03 PM, Kathy Cardoza (kmacard...@me.com) wrote:

> I forgot.... if your FTM is for Windows, then yes, you can install it just
> as if you were doing it on a Windows computer.  Don’t forget to install a
> virus checker, needed for Windows.
> Kathy
> Sent from my iPad
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Visit the Azores GenWeb Project:
>    http://www.worldgenweb.org/azrwgw/
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> On Mar 1, 2018, at 1:53 PM, Kathy Cardoza <kmacard...@me.com> wrote:
> Elaine
> I’ve never used Bootcamp. I know the advantage of it is that it’s free,
> other than the Windows OS you would need. A big disadvantage for me is that
> you have to boot either into Windows or into Mac. You cannot easily share
> between your Mac and Windows so you would be working in one or the other.
> It depends on how you work. I’ve always kept my files on the Mac side but
> used a program on the Windows side. I didn’t want to store my genealogy
> files, web sites, etc. on Windows. You may feel differently about it. I
> believe it works fine other than that caveat. I have always used Parallels
> which is excellent.
> Sorry I can’t help more.
> Kathy
> Sent from my iPad
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Visit the Azores GenWeb Project:
>    http://www.worldgenweb.org/azrwgw/
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> On Mar 1, 2018, at 2:05 PM, Cheri Mello <gfsche...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Elaine, You've shrunk your font too much for me to read your message. I
> can read the topic "IMAC Boot Camp Windows 10." Ask Kathy Cardoza. I don't
> know if she runs Boot Camp, but she knows Mac stuff. kmacardoza at mac.com
> Cheri Mello
> Listowner, Azores-Gen
> Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente,
> Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada
> On Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 12:20 PM, "E" Sharp <bellema...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Has anyone used Boot Camp to install a Windows 10 disk on their IMAC?
>> Not sure if I am wording this right....my husband is going to do
>> this...right now he is backing everything up first.  Anyhow, if you did
>> this, did you encounter any problems?  Also, would I then be able to put my
>> FTM disk and, therefore, genealogy on it??
>> Maybe I am asking or hoping for too much??? Remember I am not computer
>> literate so bear with me!!!!
>> "E"
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