Hi Cheri,

Thank You again for your quick response and patience.

The paper trail research is very clean/thorough (‘cousin’ researching since
1970ish, me since 1998 with LOTS of
collaboration/corroboration/documentation).  Long story and not Azores, so
trying to stick to the DNA of it all – which could apply to any of us along
the way.  The DNA disconnect seems to be  at my grandfather’s father.  My
grandfather was the 1st child of his parents (5 yrs after they married;
have their marriage, his birth/baptism).  I have found DNA matches to two
of his maternal grandmother’s siblings.  So, he is his mother’s son.  No
discovered matches to his father’s family.  Thinking IF NPE, either he’s
not the natural s/o his father OR his father is not the natural son of his
parents (who happen to be 1st cousins; have his 1850 baptism and he is an
infant with his family in the 1851 census).   Plenty of endogamous here

Suggesting not necessarily a NPE, I was also told that it isn’t a
surprise/unusual that there is no match to a 3rd cousin once removed (given
random distribution).  I know other ‘cousins’ (4th+) have tested and I’m
not matching them either. Thus, trying to figure out how to proceed.  No
paternal first cousins.  Some second cousin possibilities, if they will
agree to test.

Your positive influence is clearly visible re encouraging testing : )  Just
wondering if random distribution could also be a component.  I found a
match via the Boston Irish project (paternal grandmother).  We emailed and
learned that our likely connection is the Azores!

Is there anything FTDNA could do to enhance following FamilyFinder results?

Thanks again,

Marsha Stringer


*From:* azores@googlegroups.com <azores@googlegroups.com> *On Behalf Of *Cheri
*Sent:* Thursday, November 29, 2018 4:55 PM
*To:* Azores Genealogy <azores@googlegroups.com>
*Subject:* Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] AZORES-Genealogy] Uploading Multiple
kits; etc

Marsha S,

I guess I should have capped "distant matches" in that large paragraph. You
will see more DISTANT MATCHES with the FTDNA upload. All close matches 1st,
2nd, and 3rd cousins, will be pretty much the same. It's the 4th - distant
cousin category that FTDNA will attract more matches.

To figure out a "Non Paternal Event" or "Not the Parent Expected" (NPE) or
misattributed parentage, you have to work all your KNOWN lines. The ones
you can't figure out may very well be from that mystery line. You need a
really close match to that line. If it's your grandparent and you are the
testee, you are looking for a 1st or 2nd cousin on that line. It can be
done with a 3rd cousin and a lot of work.

Some people get more Portuguese matches because I try real hard to recruit
people to the Azores DNA Project. And to encourage more testing. The more
you have, the more information it will reveal, and you will find more

Many Projects on FTDNA are "Surname Projects" and focus on Y-DNA only. I
run a couple of those. I don't recruit Family Finder for those, but I don't
turn them away if they join. Trying to work in Family Finder with the
"Smith Surname Project" means I'd have to wade through everyone's tree
looking for the proper Smith and trying to ignore all the Jones, Brown,
Anderson, etc matches. But yet, I'd need to know (somewhat) how the Jones,
Brown, and Anderson fit in so I'm looking at the right branch. It's rather
difficult. The Azores DNA Project is NOT a surname project. It's a
Geographical Project and was set up that way. So we are looking a region.
And it's endogamous (intermarried). So surnames are not as important as
being from the same freguesia (village). It's a little easier to match that
way, but harder to find out ALL THE WAYS that you match due to the
intermarriage. So projects are a little different and some don't accept
Family Finder (or mtDNA). It's not the goal of the project so the admin(s)
don't take it.

Hope this helps,

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente,
Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

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