On Monday 17 November 2008 06:48:03 Derek C wrote:
> Please ignore my message - I [rather stupidly] forgot to put a MASQUERADE
> rule into my gateway batmand board.  I put that in and was working!
> looking good (and very easy!) so far

Glad that you made it. Nat is often forgotten. I have an idea how to remove 
that masquerading problem but did not find the time to work on it.

> > I see that there is indeed a "gate0" tunnel NIC created and although I
> > don't see a new default route if I run "ip route list table 68" I CAN see
> > a line "default dev gate0  proto static  scope link  src".

That is the default route. It simply ends in a device instead of pointing 
towards a router.

> > Still - I don't much like the look of that IP address ?

Also fine here. Batman uses these IP address space for its internal tunneling.


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