On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 2:08 PM, Marek Lindner<lindner_ma...@yahoo.de> wrote:
> On Saturday 13 June 2009 01:19:51 Jacob Marble wrote:
>> Some of my nodes cannot see each other...  For example, node 1 can
>> battool ping node 2, but node 2 cannot battool ping node 1.
> That would be pretty strange as batman always has to make sure that the
> connection goes in both directions. Can you post the originators output plus
> the batping result ?

I will when it happens again.

>> "cat ath0 > /proc/net/batman-adv/interfaces"
>> produces:
>> "Can't activate module: the primary interface is not active"
> This message indicates that this nodes already has one interface which is not
> activate. Could you post "cat /proc/net/batman-adv/interfaces" after you get
> this result ?

"echo 'ath0' > interfaces"
"cat interfaces"

[     97532] Adding interface: ath0
[     97532] Can't activate module: the primary interface is not active
[     97534] Adding route towards: 00:15:6d:a7:6a:14 (via 00:15:6d:a7:6a:14)
[     97534] Creating new global hna entry: 00:ff:cf:5c:68:e0 (via
[     97535] Adding route towards: 00:15:6d:a7:6a:9c (via 00:15:6d:a7:6a:9c)
[     97535] Creating new global hna entry: 00:ff:a2:47:d9:c3 (via
[     97539] Changing route towards: 00:15:6d:a7:6a:9c (now via
00:15:6d:a7:6a:14 - was via 00:15:6d:a7:6a:9c)

>> The node that can ping out, but not be pinged gave the following before it
>> died:
>> "Could not read from deactivated interface <NULL>!"
> Can you explain the exact steps to reproduce this behaviour ?

I will when it happens again.


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