On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 5:50 AM, Marek Lindner<lindner_ma...@yahoo.de> wrote:
> On Friday 19 June 2009 02:42:54 Jacob Marble wrote:
>> When I "opkg remove kmod-batman-adv-kernelland", the kernel module
>> stays loaded, so when I "opkg install kmod-batman-adv-[newer version]"
>> the old module stays loaded.  A simple rmmod gets rid of the old
>> module.
> I thought of that more as a feature as it allows over the mesh updates. If I
> the module gets removed while running an update over the mesh you might render
> your node unusable. On the other hand you can reboot the node after the update
> was completed to have a consistent system.

Hmm, you're right there.  Too bad there isn't a way to "opkg remove X

>> There is a script in the openwrt SVN called postinst that inserts the
>> module after install.  Very convenient.  A similar script could be
>> added, called prerm, that would remove the module before removing the
>> ipk.  There are several ways to rmmod; "rmmod -f batman-adv" might be
>> best for removing the package.
>> When I create the file in my build_dir, make just deletes it, so I
>> leave this up to someone else (Marek?).
> You have to place the script into the corresponding package folder (batman-adv
> in this case) to avoid deletion. For OpenWRT the package directory is the
> source (nothing will be deleted there) and build_dir is the build path.
> If you agree to the point mentioned above I still could add your script but
> keep it deactivated, so that other people can find it. May be someone has an
> idea how to keep everyone happy.  :-)

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