On 8 March 2013 11:33, Antonio Quartulli <or...@autistici.org> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 08, 2013 at 11:22:37AM +0200, Mihail Costea wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have created a patch for this, just that is quite big (~ 450 lines
>> the whole patch, with signature, etc). It doesn't contain complex
>> changes, just small changes from __be32 to (unsigned char *), a new
>> parameter to functions in order to give the IP type and added
>> comments.
>> I've tested it with the snooping mechanism I added for IPv6 and it
>> works ok (the snooping mechanism is not in this patch).
>> What I wanted to ask is: it's ok to send a patch this big to the mailing 
>> list?
>> I don't see how I could split it more because all I did is changed
>> most of functions signatures and edit the code to support this
>> changes.
> The common rule is "one change per patch" meaning that if you can logically
> split it (e.g. 1) add this 2) use this there and there 3) improve that) it 
> would
> be better to send more than one patch in one patchset.
> Remember that each and every patch must compile.

I think I could split it into 2-3 parts logically:
1. Add the enum for IP types and add generic functions for comparing,
calculating hash
2. Add generic debug message
3. Modify batadv_dat_entry  and all other functions to support both IPv4/IPv6

Some functions from 1./2. might not be used from start, but only
later, when 3. is done.

> Cheers,
> p.s. if you want you can send the patch as RFC and see the others say (but
> please try to think about splitting it, if really needed).
>> Thx,
>> Mihail
> --
> Antonio Quartulli
> ..each of us alone is worth nothing..
> Ernesto "Che" Guevara

Mihail Costea
E-mail : mihail.coste...@gmail.com
Telephone : +40725245085

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