Hello Simon,

I'm still working with my IT department to be able to send the patches in
a way compliant to the documentation provided by Sven. In the meantime I
reworked the patches, but I am still struggling with the e-mail client
Nevertheless if I apply all the patches I sent earlier (except Patch 4/4
as it was meaningless) I still have 3 problems :
1. I have sometimes looping unicast packets in the direction backbone ->
mesh -> backbone. Dropping all unicast traffic received from another
backbone gw and destined to be forwarded to the backbone again as you
suggested this in an earlier mail solves this issue. Shall I provide an
according patch? Shall I add a "Suggested-by" referring to you? I feel a
little bit uncomforable with this patch as it seems to be something more
like a workaround. The question I cannot answer yet is why the other
backbone gws send traffic via the mesh which could be sent via the
2. Although having the patch for 1. applied, the backbone gateways send
claim frames for the devices of their own backbone in rare cases from time
to time. I could send a patch for this as it is rather easy to check with
the help of the local tt table (batadv_is_my_client) if it is reasonable
to send a claim frame for these devices. Again, this patch looks more like
a workaround to me as I also cannot explain what really triggers the
generation of these claim frames.
3. I see again in rare cases looping multicasts for traffic
mesh->backbone->mesh. If I look at the bla debug messages in these cases I
see, that a backbone gw holding the claim for the source of the multicast
frame thinks that the client belonging to the source address has "roamed"
from another mesh node into the backbone network although it didn't. From
this I conclude that another backbone gw has forwarded the multicast into
the backbone although it shoudn't have done this (having found no claim
for the client or erroneously also holding a claim). In this case the
backbone gateways seem to be out-of-sync about the actual claim status for
that client. This effect only lasts a very short time, as the gateway
which found the "roaming" client unclaims it and within a few milliseconds
(depending on the traffic generated by the client) another backbone gw (or
the same) claims the client again. Of course then the looping of the
multicast traffic from the client stops. In my case the sender of the
multicast was the bridge interface br0 of a remote mesh node itself. The
bat0 softinterface was added to that bridge. The looping multicast then
gave me a "bat0: received packet with own address as source address"
message. Furthermore that bat0 interface sent a claim frame for the mac of
the own bridge (whch is obvious as bat0 received a message from the mesh
with a mac address not claimed yet....). This claim frame then produces
another "bat0: received packet ..." message.
I currently have no workaround for this 3rd issue as all I can image to
prevent this will break the "roaming client" scenario for bla. I could
even live with this problem as it happens quite seldomly and as it is
"self-healing", but it tells my that there might be a sync issue. Do you
think that my 1st and 2nd point could also relate to the same problem?
In the meantime I looked through the code for hours but I am not able to
find something that could explain the observed problem.

Kind regards,


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