> I more or less have it working.  If I unplug either of the links to
> the adsl lines, after a couple minutes babel moves the routing around
> so that it works again.

Note that the slowness here is due to babel-pinger (which is really just
a hack) rather than to Babel itself.  In the absence of packet loss,
Babel itself will update the route in 100ms per hop.

> However, what I don't have working is being able to favor the faster
> link.

Please log into a node that you feel has selected the wrong route, and

  kill -USR1 $(cat /var/run/babel.pid)

This will dump Babel's internal tables into the log file; please send
the result to this list.  (Not the whole log, just the dump starting
with ``My id ... seqno ...''.)

> Furthermore, when babel has a working default route, I can't even
> manually put in a better one.

Check the ``-k'' option to babeld (lower values are higher priorities).

> The best I have found to do is manually delete the default route that
> babel created (does this mess up some internal table?)

Babel will recover automatically when it eventually notices the
discrepancy (which might very well not happen until you shutdown Babel).


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