[Replying to the list by Dingo's permission.]

> and im trying to figure out how to get neighbors and TQ ( Olsr ) in
> babel, we looked at RX/TX but theres a whole lot of parsing

  $ nc6 --idle-timeout=5 ::1 33123 | grep '^add neighbour '
  add neighbour 80618e8 address fe80::4ca2:1bce:3271:f857 if alpha reach ffff 
rxcost 96 txcost 96 cost 96
  add neighbour 805c8b0 address fe80::218:f3ff:fe21:26 if coloquinte reach ffff 
rxcost 96 txcost 96 cost 96
  add neighbour 8062918 address fe80::503d:cad4:b569:ba4c if beta reach ffff 
rxcost 96 txcost 96 cost 96

This should be fairly easy to parse -- it's just a list of (keyword, value)
pairs separated by spaces.

The string following ''neighbour'' is a unique identifier for this
neighbour (i.e. at a given time, no two neighbours will have the same
identifier value).  You may also uniquely identify neighbours by pairs
of the form (if, address).

For wireless links, the value following ''cost'' is ETX multiplied by
256, with 65535 for infinity.  However, you may be more interested in
rxcost and txcost, which are the two components of ETX (in the
transmission and reception directions).

For wired links, cost, rxcost and txcost are always either 96 (if the
link is up) or 65535 (when the link is down).


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