
> This year we got an Google Summer of Code entry for OLSR Android & Maemo GUI:
> http://socghop.appspot.com/gsoc/student_project/show/google/gsoc2010/freifunk/t127230758933

Yes, I've seen.  Excellent.

Could you please clarify how you intend to work around the lack of root
access on Android machines?  Oh, and does Android support ad-hoc mode
for wifi interfaces?

> There was also an entry for Babel GUI (from Anthony Quillerou) but
> sadly there was not enough slots also for this.
> as I do not have any experience with Babel I would like to know if
> anybody would be willing to help with this?

I'll forward your mail to Anthony.

> As I am a mentor for this project I would like also to at least try to
> make this GUI in a way that it would be possible to attach other
> routing protocol later on, for example Babel.

> My dream is to have one application which you install and when you
> connect to the mesh it detects the routing protocol and auto-configure
> itself and starts using it.

I'd additionally like to very strongly encourage you to consider
interaction with ahcpd[1], which is routing-protocol agnostic -- it
works with OLSR as it works with Babel as it would work with any other
routing protoocol.  See [2] for an example of using AHCP with OLSR.


[1] http://www.pps.jussieu.fr/~jch/software/ahcp/
[2] http://wiki.freifunk.net/Niit

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