> I would like to point you towards a nice feature that Henning is
> currently implementing: DLEP - a (mostly routing protocol independent)
> framework for communicating settings and metrics between a radio and
> a routing daemon.

I reviewed an early draft of that.

As I understand DLEP, it is a standardised way to implement the "thin
access point" model that Cisco and friends are promoting -- a complex
(and expensive) controller associated with a number of dumb APs.  This
is a good way to enable mobility between APs with unmodified stations,
it's a good way to make network administrators happy (centralised
administration), and also a good way to make Cisco happy (since the
controller can be sold for much, much more than an AP).

Standardising the protocol that the controller uses to communicate with
the APs is a worthy goal, but pretty much orthogonal to mesh networking

-- Juliusz

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