On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 07:36:50PM +0400, Denis Ovsienko wrote:
> > There is indeed a tcpdump decoder for Babel (thanks to Pilot), but it
> > does not yet know about this extension.  I'll probably implement it at
> > some point.
> The initial revision of of that decoder is attributed to Juliusz
> Chroboczek and Grégoire Henry. I only did some updates to it.

Ah, right, thanks for the precision.

> Adding the support for Timestamp sub-TLV would be worth an
> additional case block in subtlvs_print() function in
> print-babel.c. It would also help to add a capture file for a test
> case ("make check") for the sub-TLV.

I wrote a patch [1] a while ago, but I'm still wondering how to
display the data so this it's understandable.

I'll produce a capture file as soon as I update the patch.

[1] http://ze.polyno.me/babel/001-Add-RTT-sub-TLV-parsing-WIP.patch

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