On Fri, Jul 04, 2014 at 03:51:32PM +0900, Baptiste Jonglez wrote:
> > >- we currently rebuild the whole graph at each update: it's possible to be
> > >  way more efficient
> > 
> > And way more buggy. I tried, trust me, you don't want to go down that route
> > except if you monitor thousands of nodes and need sub-second latency for
> > your graph updates. (Or maybe I'm just not a good enough programmer. But
> > remember Knuth.)
> Indeed, partial graph update looks difficult.  I was thinking of something
> much simpler: ignore updates that do not change the graph.  This is
> actually the case for most updates, for instance "The RTT to this
> neighbour has changed" or "The metric of this route has changed".

Yes indeed. In fact, babeld does not keep track of the current state, so
it sometimes issues "change" events even when no field has changed at
all!  Babelweb (server-side) ignores those.


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