in the march towards 1.7 process...

0) What other features do you plan for 1.7?

1) Not clear to me if this does atomic route updates instead of delete/add?

2) can I try to get the "version" number into the telnet interface and
command line in this go around?

3) fixing up wifi channel awareness to use the current linux netlink api
(trying to find someone to take that on)

On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 5:50 PM, Juliusz Chroboczek
<> wrote:
> Mitar, Kosko,
> Matthieu has just done a tremendous job of cleaning up the lower layers of
> babeld.  One of the effects is that export filters are now known as
> install filters, so you say something like
>   install ip ::/0 le 0 table 42
> I've taken the risk of pushing this patch series into trunk, please test.
> If you're using babeld in production and don't need the install filtering
> functionality, please stick to the tag babeld-1.6.3 for now.
> This will become babeld-1.7.0 at some point.  I might create a 1.6 branch
> if it proves unstable.
> Please, please, please test.
> -- Juliusz
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