Hey folks, welcome to me on the other side!

So the BBC News Website just released Live Stats features across the
news website (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/5071754.stm).

But in fine hacker tradition I've not been wasting my unemployment to
sit around in my underwear watching fucking Trisha and QVC (arhh, it's
good to be able to swear and not use my "this is the BBC"
formalities... ha ha!).

Oh, no instead I've been busy hacking out the URLs for the XML that
powers the Flash they've used to build the maps.  Here's a taste:

- Most popular current stories on the site (for all regions)
- Most emailed stories

- Most popular story by hour (for today, also yesterday is available)

There's also a new breaking news RSS file:

It all looks like it's updated pretty often, so there's all sorts of
temporal analysis and similar good shit you could do with this.

On my blog I've got a complete run down of all the urls (including
most popular by region) and an explanation on how to derive story urls
from the ids contained in XML feeds.  So check out

Let me know what you get up to.  Have fun.

Oh, and expect plenty more of this good shit real soon...

Ben Metcalfe | e: mashup AT benmetcalfe.com

PLEASE NOTE: I no longer work on the backstage.bbc.co.uk project or
for the BBC.  Please email [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you would like to
contact the new project team directly.
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