argh that page makes me wish I was going. hackday clearly needs flash/ flex! 

JC, I'm clearly missing something, but how is the web page you link to 
navigable by keyboard only? I had to use my mouse. Tab, space, enter and the 
arrows - all standard conventional access keys produce no response from the 
page. What's the trick here?

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Tom Scott
Sent: Fri 18/05/2007 12:38 PM
Subject: Re: [backstage] attendin' Hackday
Okay - in an effort to cut off the massive flow of "I'm attending, want 
to make a team" traffic that I've already contributed to - and because 
there seems to be no other official discussion routes! - I've set up

as a strictly unofficial Wiki site. Hopefully it'll be a useful 
discussion point as it is for BarCamp - there's a starting template for 
team lists and interests, useful links, etc. etc.

It'll probably get overtaken by an official discussion board at some 
point, but it should do in the meantime!

-- Tom

gareth rushgrove wrote:
> Yeah, Some good news!
> The emaili just popped into my inbox to brighten up my day. Now all I
> need is a good idea...
> Any other confirmed attendees?
> G
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