Is it just me but wouldn't this be the perfect device for a SVG interface?

Oh well, what a waste...

Frank Wales wrote:
Meanwhile, in actual news, Apple have published just how close they
got to making developing for the iPhone just like web development:

Apart from the usual mobile device constraints of display size, input devices
and network speed, I see these additional potential stumbling blocks in making
typical web sites iPhone-compatible:

  + no Flash
  + no Java
  + no tool-tips
  + no hover styles
  + no mouse-over events
  + no Javascript execution beyond 5 seconds per page
  + no file uploading (<input type='file'>)
  + no self-signed or custom X.509 certificates
  + old version of Javascript (1.4)
  + problems with framesets
  + problems with pop-up windows
  + scaling images is discouraged
  + converts anything that looks like a phone number into a tel: URL
  + built-in client that handles URLs
  + fixed video playback controls

So, just like normal web development, then (except for all the differences).

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