Matt Lee wrote:
Jason Cartwright wrote:
That doesn't really seem to be the way things are going...

It's certainly not the way some would like to take things. It's
certainly one of the things that 'Web Twenty' promotes, but I think it's
 a mistake.

We didn't spend 25 years getting faster computers and larger hard disks
so we could run all our applications over a network and have third
parties store our data.
You could argue that computers started this way 25 years ago with a central mainframe storing all the data centrally and we moved away from this architecture due to limited connection speeds. With internet speeds increasing these online systems are very useful for the average user who sends emails, writes letters, etc, as they take away the burden of looking after software and keeping it up to date. This is something that most computer users don't always understand. Plus ask a group when the last time they backed up their documents and a majority would probably say never or too long ago to be useful.

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