Can I just say, wow a debate on GPL v3 about a year after everyone else talked 
about it? :)

Ian Forrester

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Senior Producer, BBC Backstage
BC5 C3, Media Village, 201 Wood Lane, London W12 7TP
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-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Greaves
Sent: 05 December 2007 19:04
Subject: Re: [backstage] Please release Perl on Rails as Free Software

vijay chopra wrote:
>  They comply with the rules, you don't like what they do, so you 
> change the rules. There's nothing stopping you changing the rules any 
> time you see a behavior you dislike

Sounds reasonable to me :)

They abided by the rules, not the spirit.

Funnily enough other people do this too... in the US, Guantanamo Bay abides by
(avoids) the rules of the Geneva Convention (by declaring the inmates 'illegal
combatants') and their constitution (by careful geo-location of the camp).

So that makes it OK then :)

[I wonder if Godwins law will ever be extended to include Bush? Please.]

>     Tivo are restricting YOUR freedom to run the program for any purpose.
>     You buy a Tivo, it runs free software - except that Tivo won't let you
>     exercise your freedoms under the GPL. It won't let you run modified GPL
>     licensed software on your own computer, which in this case is a Tivo.
> Actually TIVO complied with the GPLv2 thus my rights under the GPL 
> were unaffected.
Yes, and?

Having spotted this, the FSF decided that the rules needed to be more explicit 
for the future.

GPL2 = idealistically driven but loose enough for pragmatists.
GPL3 = idealistically driven and a bit tight for some pragmatists.

>     Are you really arguing that you should be free to oppress people if you
>     desire? 
> similarly I will defend TIVOs rights to run free software in any way.

No-one/nothing (including GPL3) stops that.

But what about *my* 'right' to modify run the GPL software that I got via Tivo?

Oh, I can't. Tivo saw to that.

Tivo are free to use BSD licensed software. IIRC the spirit of that license is 
designed to support their use. But no, they *chose* to use GPL and to run 
counter to the spirit. The idealists didn't like that so they tried to stop it 
for the future.

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