On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 9:41 PM, Iain Wallace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You basically have to send the exact same headers that an iPhone does,
> along with the BBC-UID. Fortunately someone emailed me a plain-text
> log of successful requests sniffed from his iPhone.
> I've used curl instead of wget this time as it gives you finer
> granularity of control over headers.
> [snip]


I'm a BBC senior manager; but posting personally as a fan of Backstage.

It puts us (those that care about Backstage) in a really difficult position
if it's used to share information on ways to get around content-restrictions
on a BBC service.

I don't want to see the end of the Backstage unmoderated mailing list.
Posting this type of information threatens its future.

Please don't. Anywhere else. Just not here.


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