Hi everyone,

As you know Over The Air has now stopped taking reservations ­ there¹s no
space left. However, we need 10 runners to work over the event.

The shifts are 12 hours each ­ Friday 4th April 8am ­ 8pm and Saturday 8am ­

Ideally I¹m after people who can do both days (it¹s paid work), but I¹ll
also discuss just the one day if we get really desperate!

Drop me a line directly if you¹re interested.


Matthew Cashmore
Development Producer

BBC Future Media & Technology, Research and Innovation
BC4A5, Broadcast Centre, Media Village, W12 7TP

T:            020 8008 3959            (02  83959)
M:            07711 913241            (072 83959)

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